Be Ye Transformed
We all seem to remember teachings that are illustrated, much better than just "words in a sermon". I have used this illustration with young people. It goes something like this...
What is a transformer?
some answeres---
A toy that changes from a car into a robotic warrior
A thing that is on an electric pole
A thing that i plug in the wall to charge up my phone
Yes these are all transformers. Why do they have that name.
some answers---
don't know
cause they change from one thing to another
Yes, let's think about the most common transformer around us today. It is like the one that is used to charge the battery in your phone or your toothbrush, and sometime you will see these little transformers used on all manor of electronic toys. What do they do? They transform the power from 110 volts down to a lower voltage like 9 or 6 or in some cases as low as 1.5 volts. That is because the electronic devices that they are made for, can only operate on this lower power.
So you see this little transformer that I took out of an old toy was made to transform 110 volts down to 9 volts. (I hold up the little transformet with wires sticking out of it)
Now I want us to learn what God has too say about how we Christians should be transformed.
Could someone read Romans 12 verse 2.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
God is this transformer, he has the ability to change you, to keep you from being conformed, but to be changed. He can do a mighty work through you if you will let him transform you by the renewing of your mind. Let me illustrate.
I hold up a small 9 volt battery and ask "does anybody know what this is"?
some answers--
a battery
9 volt battery
Yes, it is a 9 volt battery, has anyone here ever touched one of these to their tongue? Uh huh, what does it taste like?
some answers --
it is kind of sour
it bites the tongue
it kinda shicks the tongue
We used to do that to tell if the battery was any good or not. Could I have a volunteer test this battery to see if it is any good. (Usually several will volunteer, so I try to pick one of the "tough guys", but anyone will do) They taste it and say, mmm, yep it is a good battery.
This battery is kind of like us. It is small, compared to most things, it has some power but not much.
Does anyone here believe there is enough power in this little battery to make everyone in this room jump. "NO!" (some may say yes, but most will say "no" just so I will prove it to them)
Well, could I have you all join hands and form a large circle, (the anticipation starts working on them and they start getting jumpy before we ever do anything) The I ask if anone has heart trouble are if anyone is wearing a pacemaker, ( very rarely someone is, and if so I ask them to come up and help me rather than holding hands in the circle)
Then I say:
I wonder what would happen if we touched this battery to this transformer. Let's say that we connect it backwards, what could happen.
(Some will quickly figure out the fact that if the transformer converted 110 volts to 9 volts, then it may convert 9 volts to 110 volts. the good news it that it wil only convert the voltage for one instant at the point that the wires are touched to the battery and again when they are removed from the battery, the electrical transformer was designed to convert alternating current and will not normaly work with a direct current battery. The connecting and disconnecting of the battery simulates alternating current.)
While everyone is holding hands in a circle, I break into the circle ask the two that I "brokle apart toe each take one of the wiresand hold it. Then I say again, Do you think this little battery can move all of you ( I have done this with over 60 people)
Then I take the other two wires and quickly touch them to the two poles of the battery. every one jumps and shkes their hands in unbelief.
In the same way that this transformer can move all of you God can transform you into a tool that can be used to move many to a want to know God and to accept His gift of salvation.